2023 Nominees may upload any additional letters of support through form below.
2023 ASTech Award Nominations NOW CLOSED.
Do you know an individual, team, or company inspiring innovation in Alberta, paving the way for leaders of tomorrow or developing amazing products or research? Bring their work to the forefront of Alberta’s innovation community and help them receive the recognition their hard work deserves:
– APPLY for an ASTech Award through our Standard Process Nomination Form (3-pages)
2023 Nomination Pathways
Pathway 1: Standard Process – Submit a Full Nomination
Deadline: August 15, 2023.
- 1. Process is very similar to that of recent years – and is required for all nominations.
- 2. Origin of Nomination can be from colleagues, institutions/employers, or community.
- 3. COMPLETING ONE NOMINATION FORM – allows you to SUBMIT to MULTIPLE CATEGORIES at once. Note: This simplified process is executed through a Drop-Down Selection of all 20 categories in the form.
- 4. The Standard Process Full Nomination Form is approximately:
- 3 pages in length
- Attachments – We understand collecting letters of support can be challenging during the summer. To ease the process, ASTech allows the submission of letters of support up to two weeks after the nomination deadline. This gives you ample time to gather the recognition and endorsements you deserve. Submit your nomination by August 15, 2023, and submit your letters of support by August 30, 2023.
Are you curious about the nomination form, our streamlined process, or the information needed to complete it? Check out our PDF nomination form and see just how easy it is to nominate a deserving candidate for a 2023 ASTech Award. The PDF Form is strictly for viewing purposes; an online submission must be made to be considered for a 2023 ASTech Award.
View PDF Example Nomination Form
Note – The nomination format is general for all categories.
Disclaimer – A google account is required to gain access to the form due to security requirements for collecting supporting documents.
Pathway 2: Recommendation (Pre-Nomination) Form – (OPTIONAL)
- 1. This is a short-form process, where anyone can anonymously Recommend a worthy Alberta candidate to be nominated for an ASTech Award. IT IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR THE STANDARD PROCESS (Pathway 1), but it is to be used to help ‘nudge a worthy candidate’ to fill out a Standard Full Nomination Form.
- 2. All completed short-form Recommendations are reviewed on a weekly basis – and the eligible recommended candidates are contacted by Technology Alberta via email.
- 3. The Recommended Candidates then have the option of completing the “Standard Process – Full Nomination” Form (Pathway 1) as per the Standard Deadlines.
2023 Awards Categories
A. Best in Sector Categories
- Aerospace Innovation **NEW**
- Agriculture/Agrifood
- AI/ML Advancement and Application
- Digital (General)
- Construction/Smart Cities/Transportation
- Energy/Cleantech
- Environmental Innovation in Energy Applications
- Environment/Water
- Hydrogen and Alternative Energies: Technologies and Initiatives **NEW**
- Medical/Healthcare/Pharmaceuticals
- Social Innovation/Educational Technologies
- Sustainability Solutions/Approaches
B. Leadership/Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Categories
- Change Maker (Early Career)
- Early Adopter of Innovation (Combination: Customer and Alberta Innovator)
- Indigenous-led Entrepreneurship and Contribution to Knowledge
- Innovation of the Year Award (Entrepreneur/Startup/SME Company)
- Regional Champion (8 Regions across Alberta/1 award per region)
- Researcher of the Year (Individual/Team: Academia, Research Institutions, Large Companies)
- Woman in Innovation
- Alberta-wide Community Champion of Innovation
- Special Award (outstanding merit – in areas outside of existing categories)
- 0. Recommendation (Pre-Nomination) Form (OPTIONAL): Community Pre-Nomination Short Form*.
- 1. Submission Stage: Standard Process Nomination Form.
- 2. Judging Stage: All Completed Full-Nominations are reviewed. Finalists in each category are notified and are invited to attend the 2023 ASTech Awards.
- 3. Awards Stage: Finalists will be recognized prior to, during, and post-event. Award winners will be announced at the ASTech Awards on November 3, 2023.
- A nominee (person/group/team/organization) may be nominated a maximum of two years in a row for the same achievement. After two subsequent nominations, the nominee and the same achievement are ineligible for nomination the following (3rd) year UNLESS the achievement is significantly different or is a new achievement. The nominee and the same achievement could be nominated again after one year’s absence from the nomination process.
Have questions? Join us for an upcoming online information session to learn more.
What will be discussed? How to Nominate and Who are good Nominees (Researchers, Entrepreneurs, Companies, Community Builders). This interactive session will provide an opportunity to ask questions to maximize your chances of a successful submission in 2023.
Register for an upcoming Virtual Information Session held weekly on Wednesdays at 1:00 PM:
Thank you all – for your support in building community and inspiring innovation.
Whether you like Ted Talks or Tik Toks – and want to see ASTech Award-winning Leaders in Science and Technology – see ASTech’s over 300 short videos on Youtube – ASTechOnline
SAVE THE DATE – The 34th ASTech Awards – Friday, November 3rd, 2023.
For more information on volunteering, sponsoring, partnering, nominating, or attending – please contact astechawards@technologyalberta.ca
Sign up for the ASTech Awards newsletter to receive timely updates and information.