Change Makers

Early Career

This award honours leadership potential in science, technology, engineering and mathematics teaching, research, entrepreneurship or a technology-based business. Nominees must exemplify qualities which are expected to make them a future leader in Alberta's innovation community.

QUALIFIED NOMINEES: An individual under 40 years of age

Written nomination submission MUST address the following criteria. Frame your answers for a non-expert in your field; use layman’s terms.

Award Criteria

To be considered for an ASTech Award, the nomination must address the following three components:

  1. 1. Problem/Opportunity Addressed
  2. 2. Solution Development/Outstanding Achievement
  3. 3. Demonstrate Impact/Adoption for Alberta and beyond


  1. 1. What makes this nominee a leader? (Are they the president of an organization or club? Have they been involved in community service, led the publication of research results or patent applications?)
  2. 2. Describe some activities the nominee has led or participated in that showcase their passion for innovation.
  3. 3. How has the nominee demonstrated initiative in Alberta’s science and technology community?
  4. 4. Describe how the nominee demonstrates entrepreneurial qualities such as recognizing an opportunity, leading the development of the opportunity and ultimately achieving a significant impact in their field.
  5. 5. How has the nominee been recognized as a leader? What awards/accolades has the nominee received?

Note – The nomination format is general for all categories.