2022 Winner: Recognition Of Regional Innovation - Peace River
REGION: Peace River – NAIT’s Centre for Boreal Research (CBR)
Initiative: Applied Research in Land Reclamation, Reforestation and Forest Management
NAIT’s Centre for Boreal Research (CBR) provides scientific findings, methods, and technologies to advance the capacity of industry to lessen its environmental footprint through best practices in mitigation of disturbance through front-end planning and interim reclamation, reforestation and forest land management and ecological restoration of disturbed lands. The CBR operates within a network of forest products companies (woodlands), oil and gas companies (environmental, decommissioning, and reclamation groups), environmental service firms, reclamation enterprises (e.g., contract planting, vegetation management), and commercial greenhouses.
Dr. Jean-Marie Sobze, NAIT, Applied Research Chair in Plant and Seed Technologies, Manager Boreal Forest Plant and Seed Technology Access Centre. Jean-Marie is focused on developing practical technologies for native plant propagation and seed delivery, and is experienced in forest management and oil and gas industry-related reclamation research. Jean-Marie received his Ph.D. in Forestry in Germany, and is a registered Professional Forester with AAFMP. (AAFMP).
Dr. Amanda Schoonmaker, NAIT, NSERC Industrial Research Chair for Colleges in Boreal Reclamation and Reforestation. Amanda received a Ph.D. in Forest Biology and Management (University of Alberta) and a BScF in Forest Sciences (University of British Columbia). Amanda and her team work on a wide range of research topics involving forest reclamation of post-industrial sites, reforestation and forest management as well the use of native plants as passive dewatering and treatment strategy for oil sands mine-tailings. Since joining the centre, Amanda has mentored over 30 students as well as several research assistants and associates, seeing many move on to other exciting roles in both the private and public sector.
Dr. Bin Xu, NAIT, NSERC Industrial Research Chair for Colleges in Peatland Restoration. Bin is a peatland ecologist with a Ph.D. in Plant Biology from Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Calgary. His research focuses on the impact of human activities on the ecology, biogeochemistry, and ecosystem functions of boreal peatlands. He works closely with university collaborators, industry partners and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to develop science-based, techniques and methods to reclaim disturbed peatlands in Alberta’s boreal region.